Hello August: Apologies, New Ventures and the Future

Firstly, an apology. The past few weeks and months have been a hectic blur of change, and somewhere along the way my blog took a little bit of a back seat in order to give my mind a bit of breathing space. New job, new training plan, new diet plan, new relationship status. Pretty much every aspect of my life has been turned upside down recently, and it's just taking me a little bit longer than expected to get my organisation back on track while my head adjusts to life. But a new month marks a new start and many exciting new ventures.

For those of you that have read some of my more personal blog posts, you will be aware of little bits of my story and my battle to better myself and return myself not only to full health, but to become the strongest woman that I can possibly be. I have fought my mind and my body for many years, and over the past 6 months we have finally been working together as a team and as a result I have become stronger and fitter than I ever dreamed I would be. The journey is far from over, but I have decided to let you in on my progress with me, and without giving too much away, I am planning a few HUGELY exciting changes/developments for Amy Elizabeth... venturing into the world of fitness and nutrition to share with you my story and give you the opportunity to partake too. Follow me and my personal trainer/ new business partner [eeeee how exciting] on twitter (@amyylyons, @ADMartin810) and instagram (@amyylyons, @admfitness1) to stay in the loop as new developments occur. 

The future used to be something that terrified me. Even thinking about where I would be in a years time could send me into orbit and spark panic attacks. The fear of failure or not sticking to my so carefully collated 'life plan' terrified me and I worked myself into a severe state of illness in refusal to allow myself to live and enjoy my present. Now the future excites me, the fact that I am currently working in a job I love, still considering completing a PhD, starting writing a book and working on this new venture along with keeping Amy Elizabeth ticking over has made me realise that change isn't always a bad thing. 

Start fresh. Eat well. Train hard. Live healthy. Be proud.